Yamaha MT8X MKII w/Box and Manual NOS
A rare chance to own one of the cleanest MT8X's around! This MKII was purchased new in the 90's and never used, and it is in NOS condition with the orignal promo sticker, cotton swabs for head cleaning, protective fabric, manuals in English and French, AC power cable, and box. This one is as clean as they come, so if you have been looking for a nice example don't miss out!
Yamaha's MT8X is a shining example of a plug?in?and?play 8?track — just plug in the mains, plug in a pair of headphones and you're ready to record. Like Tascam's cassette 8?tracks, the MT8X runs at double the normal cassette speed, which means a 60?minute cassette provides just 15 minutes of recording (cassettes only play in one direction on a multitracker). The recorder is set up to use Chrome bias (Type II) audio cassettes, and the use of a Permalloy head suggests that a usefully long head life can be expected. The head itself is made of staggered sections to reduce magnetic interaction between adjacent tracks, allowing a frequency response up to 14kHz or so, though this may be slightly reduced when the dbx noise reduction is switched in.
The MT8X is set out very much like a conventional multitrack mixer, so any techniques you learn here can be transferred directly to a 'recorder?plus?mixer' setup if and when you take the next evolutionary step. Up to four tracks can be recorded at one time and, of course, all eight tracks can be played back simultaneously when you come to mix.
It has been tested to function well as it should with no issue, but apart from that has seen no professional use.